I am such a lucky girl!!! i was craving
LAU LAu for months- and today was my lucky day.. a woman came into my work to register for weaving class and she was from Hawai'i and we got to talking and of course we were talking about food- and local food that we both missed and food you can make here. and she brought up LAU LAU --which i have be craving!!!!!
she has found a local source for luau leaves ( which are taro leaves) and made lau lau and had some in her freezer and brought me some!!!!!!!! how cool is that!!!!!!!!!!!!
- i was suppose to go swimming after work - but those lau lau were calling me - i ate one - ONOOOOOOoooooooo and i might share with hubby or maybe not- I think the baby likes it more than hubby anyway--
my nesting-maternal thing is really kicked into high gear now- because why else would i get excited about diapers- or nappies as they call them here in NZ ........
by the way other baby words that are different here are:
baby = bub
anyway- I have found the coolest baby stuff supplier here in NZ,
Aroha at Plush baby ..
I got my cloth nappies,-real nappies" covers and a bunch of organic baby toiletries- Eco products from her . I didn't put the toiletries in the pics - like shampoo- lavender - massage oil - and soaps... and then i went out grocery shopping and bought all those other things in the pic- sterlising tabs, breast pads, newborn diapers for the first week, baby wipes-- i feel much better and more prepared - though i have tons of time.
and lastly - the other pic of my Aby- he caught a little friend - bird and was playing with him -not hurting the little bird for hours- I am pretty sure the bird could fly away as it did a few times ( well not fly away totally - but flew around and landed again) and then Honey came along - and ripped the bird to shreds-very sad- but i wasn't going to touch the bird either way--