oops - i missed a week posting---
getting back to the work groove was harder than i thought!
yesterday some little boys knocked on the doors with strawberries for sale -all these for only $5.... my belly is 38.5 inches - not growing too fast... some days he is more active than others
some good news - i am getting another 3/d ultra sound on monday- the ultrasound place lost the images that they were suppose to burn on a CD-- so i am happy i get an another chance to see him!!!
i finished the cashmere- cotton baby blanket that i started ages ago, kind of anti- climatic because it took so long!!!
i also made some gifts for my best friend jonathan- to aid his knitting obsession - i wouldn't say what all I made and got him type because he might read this before his box gets to him - i only mailed it 5 days ago.. he is the one that i made the skull and cross bones knitting bag-- so this is a case for this circular needles- but i didn't like the stitching in one place on this - so i kept this one for myself and made another for him with black stitching .. ..
i am also excited for my secret pal to get her gift-- she is an incredible spinner - she has spun mass amounts with only a drop hand spindle and has recently bought a spining wheel.. one of the things i got her- was a bunch of washed and combed wool sliver for her to spin from a small farm in Wairarapa NZ that raise a breed called , "Gotland " and the cool thing was - not only the story about the farm and the people that own it - but a pic of the actual sheep that the sliver that she'll spin came from !! the wool is a really pretty grey-- i hope she likes it - i thought was soo cool.
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