these are a few of my favorite things!!
DZ double salt licorice from Denmark- yummy!!! they give you dog breath though.... and HORLICKs Malt tablets- I absolutely L-O-V-E these--
when i was little we use to be able to b uy little glass bottles with red caps of these horlicks malt tablets and then they disappeared-- and then around the 80's I found them again in big bottles--and now the only place i found them was in chinatown in hawai'i - with malayasian writing ( weird) marketed as a health thing.
I love both of these!! i need to not wat as many salt licorice because i don't want to start retaining water...
and of course my kitties.. and EGG NOG!!! i was having a craving for eggnog - in a carton -i don't care-- went to the market and guess what?? they don't do eggnog in New Zealand.. because it's summer here??? i was meet with strange looks and laughter when i inquired... must be an american thing they said.. people here LOVE fruitcake- english thing ??? but not eggnog?? i got a recipe from mom and am going to make some today....yum yum!
and my grandmother sent me a package-- with some vintage shell buttons- on their original cards too !! how cool!! and some vintage embroidered linen curtains --really beautiful not sure what to do with them yet...
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