i made noreweign
x-mas bread- YULEKAKA -yulekake... though it didn't come out like Mom's - it still was good .... toasted with butter.....
and then i made blueberry muffins on Sunday-- and they were really yummy -and bad for you ...i really wanted to make the crumbl-y top kind of muffin-which is pure butter- sugar and flour-totally fattening !!
i am not sure if it 's being pregnant , but i am sooo into baking right now!!!! next week - X-mas cookies..i am thinking gingerbread . my friend's daughter wanted to bake together - i think ginger bread and decorating would be really fun!
i started to make some peg/clothespin dolls too for my little nieces and cousins-- -this first batch might be for my girlfriends -- they are more like 1920's tarts! they aren't done yet, i still have to dress them.... i painted on underwear, needed to let the first layer dry and add some more details ... and i want to make some hula peg /clothespin dolls too.
they are so much fun! this is stage one - i 'll post more as i progress
looking forward to our 2 week holiday off from work --only one and a half weeks to go!!! we aren't doing anything special this year for the holidays... i am going to miss not going home. hopefully i 'll get to do lots of sewing and making things ......
the pregnancy is going well, i went swimming again today and went for an hour long walk yesterday ,which by the end of it was getting a little tired. i really want to keep exercising .. .it's hard to keep motivated.... 3 more weeks til the 3/d ultrasound! i am so excited !!!
can't seem to upload pics of dolls-will do it tomorrow
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