b-day card

i spent the day, well not the whole day... making my best friend - jonathan, a birthday card--
jonathan has been my best friend for over 20 years and lives in LA and was really obsessed with kilts and his Scottish hertitage-- and bought a kilt - a real one made in Scotland with his family tartan .. and I found this little tartan and jacket paper outfit and wanted to use it for his b-day card..
so I made a wheel of different faces and a window of pictures -- of him, one of his dog and people he likes- martha, elton john, dolly, liza -- I forgot oprah... oh well.. anyway-- you spin the wheel and see the different heads on top of the kilt wearing body......... and i sewed it together...
jonathan picked up knitting in december. he started knitting a beautiful cream scarf and requested a knitting bag .. and he asked it to be "tough" and he suggested the skull and crossbone motif.
so-this is what i have done... so far....
The skull and cross bone applique is grey- blue felt on black twill canvas which will be the body of the bag and i am lining it in navy polka dots.. . I got the applique design down and cut the bag out.. and now I am going to do a running stitch along the edges of the applique.. and need to finish sewing the bag. I also made two drawstring bags out of the only other skull and crossbone fabric I could find. I call them project bags ... I am a gemini and so i can never stick to one project - i have to have at least 3 going simutanteously-- hence - project bags to keep them separate and keep the fluffy white mohair from getting on black yarn -etc.. so - he too can start to be a neurotic knitter and have multiple projects going on - i have supplied him with 2 (maybe i 'll make more if i have time) . I am also making him a knitting needle case and it will be seam bias edged in tartan/plaid...
yikes time is running out - his b-day is 2 may-- and it will not gt there on time, but my plan is to have it finished on his b-day..... i better get back to it.
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