long time no blog--oops
it's been really busy at work and i've been really tired..not much crafting going on- just eating , sleeping and working...
paul has finished his doctorate -but is revising and revising..and also fractured his foot in three places last night at touch rugby.... i decided to take the day off- i have 2 weeks left of work and 5 weeks til baby is due.
we had our last prenatal class on Monday, and I'll be starting prenatal yoga on thursday,which is really cool and after baby arrives there is a special class for mom and babies on saturdays - too cool!! very excited that i found these classes..
better late than never. i've been swimming still, but only managing once a week.
this is one of my favorite cereals here in NZ, BUGS IN MUD - like coco kripsies.. with vanilla soy milk - yum
also, glennis from my work gave me somewhere around 100 old style nappy/diapers squares !!!! cool huh?? there are a million and one ways to fold these , this is a great site for that
http://www.thenappylady.co.uk/Advice/Instructions.asp?InstructionID=2&index=4and a ton of uses for them!! so that was great!!!