This sweater is NOT for my kitty! it's for my friend, Jonathan's poodle Beauregarde. As you can see, Honey does care for it much, he is bigger than Beau - so it should fit. it's a turtleneck.. short sleeve fluffy sweater !!!hahah it makes me laugh looking at it!! it was really fun to knit!
I have been enjoying my salt licorice and maurisis tea that jonathan sent me.My other friend Erin sent me same cool soy bean mint honey shampoo samples, and face lotion and these OILS that are great!! Absinthe, Shiso and Cacao --which I really like it has orange and cacao bean smell .. Stacey also sent me another package of these soaps, candy, stripey tissues , hello kitty candy and another soap with vintage chinese 1930's girls , and another soap that you can't see in the picture but looks like a cicada .... I love things that smell good!! i love packaging ....
I had the day off work today and that was really great!! I loved it - though I stayed inside most of the day because it's freezing...it's winter and really cold. In the morning it's about 4 C!! Tomorrow I am going to start and finish a little cell phone bag for niece .. she wanted a stripe-y one..but I might do a mohair pink one- she likes pink.
My next project after that is to start a baby sweater with the cashmere,merino and microfibre yarn that jonathan go tme . it is soooo soft.. i have not seen anything like it here.....