kainamu is growing so fast- he is over 12 pounds now and is going through getting cradle crap cap and hormonal rashes ( mine i guess ?)
it 's winter here now, and is skin is adjusitng and getting dry.....
he is coo-ing and smiling !!
i am still obssessing on cloth diapers and keeping him warm..
I bought some merino wool jersey and i am going to make him some sleeping gowns and long shirt singlets..
i hgve a coverstitch machine that i haven't used for a few years- and i spent over an hour threading it and re-threading today-- piece -o -crap , i think .. i should have bought a better brand.. and i also lost the instruction manual -s that doesn't help.. anyway- hopefully- i can get that machine working so i can make a bunch of things for kainamu.